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Data Modelling

Service Offering

KurrawongAI is extremely experienced with the creation and implementation of many forms of data models. While increasingly we focus on Knowledge Graphs / Semantic Web data modelling, we have decades of collective experience in relational systems, UML and other forms of data modelling too.

Our preferred modelling systems are:

Case Study: Address Model for ANZ

This is an example of an OWL modelling and multi-system implementation project. https://linked.data.gov.au/def/addr

KurrawongAI implemented a new Addressing data model for the Queensland government that catered for future address data requirements, as specified in the ICSM Addressing 2035 strategy. This model is now accepted as an ICSM Australian & NZ standard for use in all jurisdictions.

This built on previous OWL model of address information derived from the Geocoded National Address file relational model and an OWL version of the ISO 19160 international address model that KurrawongAI staff developed during 2017 - 2019 while working in previous employment.

We implemented example data for this model within a Knowledge Graph system (Fuseki) and also a relational database system (Postgres) to demonstrate the model's platform independence.

Queensland has now operationalised a new state address database using the Knowledge Graph implementation of this model.

Address model diagram

We offer the following data modelling services:

  • domain-specific data modelling
    • we've modelled in many domains, such as archiving, environmental science, spatial data and mining
    • we are able to pair up with your domain experts and develop models with them
  • enterprise data modelling
    • so-called "Supermodel" modelling whereby we model a broad scenario's requirements as a data model and include individual systems/datasets models within it
    • Supermodels are compartmentalised allowing for staged implementation
  • model skill demonstration
    • query-based competency testing of models
    • demonstrate the power of Knowledge Graph models
  • example data generation
    • we can hand-make data to assist with model demonstration for specific scenarios
  • data model review
    • reviewing your data models to ensure quality
    • to align with other models
  • model-based data transform
    • transforming data from one system to another, based on models
    • see more about our Knowledge Graph Tools service offering

Case Study: GSWA Supermodel

This enterprise & domain data modelling in the mining sector.

KurrawongAI is implementing a "Supermodel", that is a integrated set of models, for the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA). This allows originally internal siloed data to be combined and delivered publicly. It also makes it interoperable with national & international geological data.

The GSWA Supermodel implements an overarching "backbone" model that integrates "component models" for each internal silo through the use of standardised "background models". These models use GSWA controlled vocabularies and many external vocabularies, such as the international chronostratigraphic chart to ensure common values across datasets.

Address model diagram

Please contact us to find out more about our Data Modelling services!