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Service Offering

As part of our commitment to enabling organisations to take (and keep) control of their data assets, KurrawongAI encourages the development of your own organisations capacity and data maturity.

Our training services typically cover the following domains:

  • Vocabulary creation & management
    • understanding controlled vocabularies in the context of your domain
    • use and understanding of the recommended approaches, standards and tools
    • see Vocabularies
  • Data Strategy
    • how to develop a strategic plan for your organisation's data assets
    • how to build a roadmap to deliver this across medium and long term activities
    • see Data Governance
  • Data Governance
    • how to manage your data in accordance with best practice
    • what infrastructure (people, processes and technology) can be used to support this
    • see Data Governance
  • Knowledge Graph data generation & use
    • how to make RDF data manually or from existing, non-RDF data sources
    • how to query and export RDF data using the SPARQL query language and code libraries
  • Knowledge Graph system management
    • how to maintain Knowledge Graph systems like Prez APIs and RDF databases such as Fuseki

We offer the following training options:

WorkshopSingle or multi-day workshops delivered by one of our team

In person delivery dependant upon location/availability
Across any of our subject matter domains

$5,000 per day in person
- reduced costs for virtual-only delivery
Instructional videosCustom training videos made for your staff and scenariosTypically available for Knowledge Graph data generation and System Management

cost by arrangement
Interactive notebooksJupyter notebooks to demonstrate software and data

e.g. our ANU data science lectures
Typically available for Knowledge Graph data generation and System Management

cost by arrangement
Pattern write-upsIdentification of data patterns in Knowledge Graphs (inc. vocabularies) that handle specific scenarios, such as how to version vocabulary ConceptsAcross vocabularies, spatial Knowledge Graph data or other Knowledge Graph data domains

cost by arrangement

If there is an area of knowledge within data management and governance best practice, or specific Knowledge Graph domains about which you would like to know more that you do not see here, feel free to reach out to our team.

Please contact us to find out more about our Training services!